Fortify Update

Fortify is currently on hiatus due to coronavirus. I hope it’ll be safe enough to get together again soon! Please follow me on Facebook if you want to stay in the loop about my plans for the group. Thanks and hope you are safe and healthy.

About Fortify

Fortify is a biweekly coworking + social event at a coffee shop for writers, artists, solopreneurs, and more… anyone who wants to get quiet creative work done on their own, but with some company and connection. Bring any kind of creative work, in any medium (that you can do in a coffee shop!), paid or unpaid, at any level of expertise, from process-oriented dabbler to serious hobbyist to paid professional and everything in between. We have a bit of social time, a long chunk of quiet solo work time, and then some time to reconnect at the end.

If you’d like to join us or learn more, follow me on Facebook where I always announce the upcoming events. You can also search for “Fortify: Connect, Create + Caffeinate” in Facebook events.

Hope to see you there sometime!

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