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Hello + welcome!
I’m Thekla, a children’s writer and creativity blogger.
When not working on my middle grade fantasy novels and whimsical chapter books, I can be found taking care of my kids, strumming my ukulele, baking sourdough bread, and drinking coffee… lots and lots of coffee. Once in a while I write a blog post here, too. Come grab a mug of your own and stay awhile, if you like. I’m glad you’re here.

“Do you still play?” asked Steve Einhorn, my former ukulele teacher. He was in town with his wife Kate Power, back before the pandemic, and we were catching up a bit before their concert began. “Oh yes,” I said. “I love my uke. But I don’t think I’ve made any progress...
As a writer, and as a creative person generally, I’ve found that having enough space is vital. Around us, the default is to fill things up to the tippy-top and overflowing. So I treasure… Open space on my desk. Oh so tempting to set more things upon it, but ideally I...
The Meaning in the Mess
Every large writing project I’ve written has gone through at least one messy chrysalis phase. Rewriting has commenced, entropy’s doing its gleeful dance, and everything I wrote has been changed up so much that it’s dissolving into utter chaos. When I’m in that...
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